Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Artikal ini adalah hasik kajian kepentingan sistem jaringan pengangkutan di bandar baru seri petaling. beberapa kajian telah dibuat berdasarkan
1) Jenis-jenis sistem pangangkutan
2) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jaringan sistem pengangkutan
3) Kepentingan jaringan sistem pengangkutan
4) Kesan-kesan jaringan sistem pengangkutan
5) Langkah-langkah penyelesaian masalah

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Service Quality and Satisfaction of Public Service: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

The purpose of the study described in this paper is to propose and test a structural equation model that can be used to determine the quality sought for and to measure customer satisfaction in the case of public transportation in a university campus.

* Service Quality and Satisfaction of Public Service: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

A New Era for Public Transport Development in China

The urbanization and motorization which fueled China’s economic growth since the mid 1980s brought unprecedented demand for land, road space, and other urban infrastructure and services. As China’s cities were being positioned as the new engines of growth, transport development between and within urban areas received high national priority. Government resources at state, provincial, and local levels focused on increasing infrastructure capacity and on expressways in particular, while industrial policy nurtured the nascent automotive industry. Some early policy and investment support was directed at public transport; however, these efforts were not deep enough to address structural weaknesses in management and operations. Thus, transit development lagged behind the growing demand for, and supply of, private modes of transport as China’s economy boomed. As a result, traditional public transport services—mainly large buses—suffered significant rider ship losses in the late 1980s and early 1990s.This article surveys China’s public transport experience over the past decade and a half, as China’s environmental, energy, and economic development objectives have come into sharper focus. While the earlier industrial policy commitment to the “household car” has not been abandoned, there is growing recognition in cities that, even if private vehicle ownership is encouraged, this must be accompanied by prudent policies curtailing auto use. Moreover, the need to develop suitable alternatives to private auto travel motivates renewed interest in raising the efficiency, quality, and quantity of public transport services in urban areas.

- A New Era for Public Transport Development in China

Pengangkutan dahulu dan sekarang..

Setiap pengangkutan mempunyai transformasi dari satu generasi ke satu generasi berkembang dari tahun ke tahun.. Artikel ini mengambarkan sesuatu tranformation untuk pengankutan awam.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Meta-Analysis for Explaining the Variance in Public Transport Demand Elasticities in Europe

This paper assesses key factors that influence the sensitivity of public transport users to transport costs in Europe, by carrying out a comparative analysis of the different elasticity values of demand for transport that are being used in some of the different Member States.
Our empirical base is elasticity studies in Norway, Finland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The paper identifies a set of potential factors causing variances between results of different studies. An indepth rough set analysis of causes of variances between elasticity values across the four countries is presented. Our analysis supports the literature, which indicates that the difference between aggregated, empirical-based research methods and the use of disaggregated choice models, as well as model assumptions, explain the variance in elasticity
values across studies. It also appears that the country involved, the number of competitive
modes, and type of data collected are important factors in accounting for the size of elasticities.

Using delay-time analysis to study the maintenance problem of gearboxes

This paper is a report on the methodology for determining an efficient and effective policy to maintain gearboxes within a franchised bus company, the Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1993) Limited (KMB) in Hong Kong. The preliminary findings are included in this paper. The objectives of this study are to investigate the possibility of improving the effectiveness of the maintenance policy for the gearboxes currently being operated by the company. In particular, the study addresses the issue of minimizing the maintenance cost of the gearboxes, estimating the reliability of the gearboxes, and predicting the effects on consequence measures like cost, downtime, etc. of the introduction of changes to the company’s current maintenance practices. In addition, the number of gearboxes that will break down each month in 1994 and the associated workload of the overhaul depot in 1994 will be predicted.

Modeling Urban Development for Land Use, Transportation, and Environment Planning

Metropolitan areas have come under intense pressure to respond to federal mandates to link planning of land use, transportation, and environmental quality, and from citizen concerns about managing the side effects of growth such as sprawl, congestion, housing affordability, and lost of the open space. The planning organizations were generally not designed to address these issues, creating a gap in the ability of planners to systematiccally assecc them. UrbamSim is anew model system that was developed to respond to these emerging requirements has now been applied in three metropolitan areas. This article describes the model system and its appplication to Eugene-Springfield, Oregon.

New Direction for understanding transportation and land use

Journal ini membincangkan berkenaan dengan masalah ekonomi apabila menggunakan perkhidmatan awam (bas). Masalah ini dihadapi terutamanya apabila sesetengah pengguna menggunakan perkhidmatan pada jaak yang jauh. Masalah ini diatasi dengan membina beberapa highway untuk memjimatkan kos. Laporan lengkap terdapat pada link di atas.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pengangkutan Darat Awam

-Merangkumi segala sistem pengangkutan yang membawa penumpang orang awam.
-Melibatkan bas, teksi, rel dan kereta api.
-Pengangkutan awam dikawal sebagai pengangkutan umum dan dikonfigurasi untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan berjadual dalam laluan tetap tanpa penempahan. Kebanyakan penumpang transit bergerak dalam lingkungan kawasan tempat di antara rumah dan tempat kerja, pusat membeli-belah atau pendidikan. (Wikipedia)

Di Lembah Klang, terdapat sistem pengangkutan awam yang bersepadu yang menyatukan pengangkutan transit aliran ringan (LRT), monorel, kereta api dan bas. Terdapat juga perkhidmatan ‘Express Rail Link’ (ERL) yang menghubungkan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur dengan Stesen Sentral di pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur dan perkhidmatan limosin. (myGoverment)

Dasar penswastaan yang diperkenalkan kerajaan pada tahun 1983 telah membuka peluang untuk sektor swasta meningkatkan peranannya dalam pembangunan negara dari sektor infrastruktur dan pengangkutan. Ia membolehkan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam semakin berkembang dengan cepat.

Pengangkutan Bas Awam

Pengangkutan bas awam merupakan kaedah pengangkutan awam yang utama khususnya di Kuala Lumpur, sebelum wujudnya pengangkutan transit aliran ringan (LRT). Perkhidmatan bas henti-henti (stage carriage buses) pertama kali diperkenalkan dan dioperasikan oleh 8 buah syarikat swasta. Bas mini kemudian diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975, sebahagian daripada program “Second KL Urban Transport”. Sistem ini menawarkanperkhidmatan yang lebih berkualiti dan teratur untuk menarik pengguna kereta menggunakan pengangkutan awam. Bas mini telah diusahakan secara individu oleh para usahawan. Bagi meningkatkan kecekapan operasi, satu penggabungan 8 pengendali bas kepada dua atau tiga pihak syarikat dilaksanakan. Pada tahun 1993, Diversified Resource Bhd (DRB) yang merupakan syarikat awam diberi kelulusan mengelolakan perkhidmatan bas di Kuala Lumpur.

DRB menjemput pengendali syarikat lain untuk dicantumkan dengan anak syarikatnya, Intrakota Consolidated Sdn. Bhd. Syarikat yang bergabung adalah Toong Fong Omnibus Co. Sdn. Bhd., SJ Kenderaan Sdn. Bhd., SJ BinaTeknik Sdn. Bhd. Dan Syarikat Pengangkutan Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Intrakota memulakan perkhidmatan pada Julai 1994 dengan bus Midi yang dikenali sebagai ‘Pekan Rider’. Sejenis bas baru dengan 50 29-tempat duduk bas bandar diperkenalkan sebagai fasa langkah keluar untuk bas mini 25 tempat duduk yang sedia ada.

Bas baru dengan ruang berdiri untuk 13 penumpang disediakan oleh DRB diperkenalkan secara berperingkat sehingga tahun 1997. Ia dikendali oleh seorang pemandu dengan satu sistem tiket automatik. Intrakota juga telah memperkenalkan sebuah bas ‘Maxi’ pada Disember 1994 yang boleh memuatkan sehingga 115 penumpang. Pada tahun 1994, kerajaan telah membuat keputusan menjadikan Intrakota sebagai satu-satunya penyedia perkhidmatan bas di Kuala Lumpur. [1]

Pada masa kini, pengendali bas Rapid-KL telah mengambil alih perkhidmatan bas awam, dengan mengambil alih 44 peratus dari perkhidmatan awam di Lembah Klang. Pengendali bas Rapid telah ditubuhkan bertujuan memperbaiki sistem pengangkutan awam di Lembah Klang dan Pulau Pinang.

Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh sistem pengangkutan darat awam adalah masalah sistem lalu lintas dan kesesakan. Kuala Lumpur terutamanya merupakan pusat tumpuan aliran pengangkutan darat dari merata tempat. Bilangan kenderaan pula semakin bertambah menyebabkan masalah kesesakan semakin meruncing. Ramai pengguna tidak lagi berminat untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan bas dengan mengambil alternatif lain seperti menggunakan perkhidmtan rel atau kenderaan sendiri. [2]


Kerjaan terus menggalakkan lebih ramai warga menggunakan pengangkutan awam dalam konteks meningkatkan produktiviti dan kualiti hidup. Oleh itu, sebanyak 35 Bilion ringgit diperuntukkan oleh kerajaan dalam tempoh 2009 hingga 2014 untuk meningkatkan kecekapan pengangkutan awam supaya lebih efisyen dan bersepadu, bagi menyediakan kemudahan perjalanan yang lancar serta meningkatkan kekerapan perkhidmatan. Bilangan bas akan ditambah dan infrastruktur yang berkaitan akan disediakan.

Kerajaan telah pun meningkatkan kuota subsidi diesel bagi pengangkutan awam untuk mengurangkan kos opearsi pengusaha pengangkutan. Jaringan perkhidmatan awam pula disasar untuk lebih luas serta efisyen, selamat dan bermutu tinggi, di kawasan bndar dan luar Bandar.

Penggunaan ICT akan diterapkan secara menyeluruh bagi memantapkan lagi aliran lalu lintas dan pengangkutan. Ia termasuk penggunaan ICT dalam penyediaan perkhidmatan perkhidmatan “navigator” dan “tracking” bagi lebih ramai pemandu individu dan pengusaha kenderaan awam. ICT juga perlu diguna pakai untuk mengumpul semua maklumat yang releven berkaitan trend dan corak pengangkutan dan trafik seperti maklumat tentang bilangan kenderaan yang menuju sesuatu tempat, punca kesesakan dan nisbah bilangan tempat letak kereta. [3]


Monday, January 19, 2009

Transport And Housing Security

Artikal ini menerangkan atau meneliti berkaitan dengan penyediaan perkhidmatan pengangkutan dan keselamatan. Penyelidikan ini di jalankan di Klang Valley.

Berdasarkan kepada artikal ini, ia menerangkan apa yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat berhubung dengan kelemahan polisi keselamatan pengangkutan awam, keselesaan transport itu sendiri dan bermacam-macanm lagi berkenaan dengan perkhidmatan awam yang telah disediakan. Selain daripada itu, terdapat juga sesetengah perkhidmatan yang disediakan menyebabkan mangsa terkorban kerana tiada penyelenggaraan dilakukan mengikut polisi yang telah dirancangkan.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Predicting The Impact Of Demand and Supply Side Measure On Bus Ridership in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

My friend already discuss about the transportation issues in Penang and highlight concerns such as the environmental impact of road traffic, with emphasis on vehicular traffic-generated noise and air pollution. Now i would like to discuss about Predicting The Impact Of Demand and Supply Side Measure On Bus Ridership in Putrajaya, Malaysia. How the impact to the Bus Ridership?

The Putrajaya, is a famous city from a transport policy perspective because of its explicit goal to achieve a 70 percent share of public transport to its core precincts. A study was recently commissioned with the aim of quantifying travelers’ responses to policy measures to ensure effective strategy formulation.
The existing public transport system lacks choice, quality, and availability. The intracity bus company operates only 14 buses to transport passengers from residential areas in the periphery to offices and commercial centers in the core area.
Generally, these buses have poor service frequency with an average of 2 per hour,even during the morning and afternoon peak periods.
Econometric estimation results show that improvement in public transport alone is incapable of inducing sufficient modal shift to achieve the goal of a 70:30 split between public and private transport. To ensure effective strategy formulation, a study was commissioned to model users’ travel behaviors with the goal of quantifying their response to a proposal for public transport improvements and demand-restraining measures.

After all the method had use, the results from the stated preference survey and the subsequent mode-split modeling and simulations suggest one major policy conclusion. Improvement in public transport
alone appears to be incapable of inducing sufficient mode shift in favor of public
transport to achieve the overriding objective of 70:30 split. So, If you want to read more about this article can go to the website below.
Thanks.. that for all.

A 'STEP' towards sustainable transport : A case study of Penang, Malaysia

Before I start, I would like to inform you that our group have discussed and agreed to choose 'Public Land Transportation'. This paper have a lot of information regarding the land transportation...This paper provides a brief discussion of the transportation issues in Penang and highlight concerns such as the environmental impact of road traffic, with emphasis on vehicular traffic-generated noise and air pollution. The paper also discusses the advocacy experience of STEP and the issues for the future. From this paper, I've got to know the real transportation problems that occurred in Penang(my state) and also the planning strategic how 'STEP' (Sustainable Transport Environmental in Penang) can overcome the problems. Last but not least this paper have a lot of topic...but in my case I've just choose ' A 'STEP' towards sustainable transport : A case study of Penang, Malaysia' (page 33 - 47). For further information about this paper, please visit this website :

- ' A 'STEP' towards sustainable transport : A case study of Penang, Malaysia'

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


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